
numerology by best numerologist

Numerology is an age-old practice that involves finding a person's life path and destiny through the analysis of numbers. Numerology is a tool used to gain insight and understanding into a person's character and destiny. Each number in numerology has its own unique meaning and symbolism. Numerology is an ancient study that deals with the interpretation of numerology readings. The Best numerologist in India can provide you with accurate predictions for your future based on your numerology readings. They will also be able to provide you with advice on how to improve your numerology readings and increase your numerology understanding.

Numerology is a type of astrology that uses numbers to predict future events. It is considered to be one of the oldest and most popular forms of astrology. Numerology is based on the idea that the universe is composed of numbers.

What a Numerologist does & how can be helpful

If you're looking for the best numerologist in town, you don't have to look any further than Best Numerologist. Sweta Sureka the numerologist is an expert at decoding your number and helping you to understand your personal strengths and weaknesses. They'll also be able to identify any potential challenges and challenges that you may face in the future. By working with Best Numerologist in India, you're guaranteed to get the most accurate and personalized numerology advice possible. So if you're looking for help with your numbers don't hesitate to call us today!

If you're looking for a way to improve your life or to understand yourself better, numerology may be the answer. Numerology is the study of the numeric values assigned to letters and words, and it can help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and interests, and your destiny. In addition, numerology can help you to achieve your goals and dreams.

How to Understand & Learn Numerology

There are a number of ways to learn numerology. You can read books on the subject, or you can consult with a numerologist who will help you to develop a personalized plan. Whatever route you choose, numerology is an interesting and powerful way to understand yourself and your world. So if you're interested in exploring this fascinating subject, be sure to get started!

There's something special about numbers - they're mysterious, intriguing, and compelling. And if you're like most people, you're curious about the meaning and significance of numbers. That's why Numerology is so popular. Numerology is a fascinating topic that has been around for centuries. It is the study of numbers and their influence on our lives and our behavior.

Numerology Number 1

Number 1 numerology is a particularly interesting area of study, as number one is associated with leadership and independence. The number one is associated with ambition, determination, and self-reliance. It is a number of determined actions and independence. It is believed that people with a number one in their numerology chart are independent, ambitious, and driven. They are often natural leaders and are often capable of achieving their goals. The number one is also associated with creativity and innovation. People with strong number-one energy are often creative and inventive. They are often good problem solvers and can use their creative abilities to come up with solutions to difficult problems.

Numerology Number 2

Number 2 is the number of balance and equilibrium. It represents the ability to maintain a harmonious relationship with others, as well as with your environment. When you use the Number 2 in your personal numerology, it can help you maintain a positive balance in your life and stay on track with your goals.

Numerology Number 3

Number 3 is the number of changes and transformations. It represents a change in all its forms - physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. When you use the Number 3 in your personal numerology, it can help you make changes that are beneficial to your growth and development.

Numerology Number 4

Number 4 is the number of transformations and evolution. It represents the process of growth and change, both inward and outward. When you use the Number 4 in your personal numerology, it can help you evolve into your full potential as a person.

Numerology Number 5

Number 5 is the number of communication and communication skills. It represents the ability to express yourself effectively and to connect with others on a deep level. When you use the Number 5 in your personal numerology, it can help you achieve success in your communication efforts.

Numerology Number 6

Number 6 is the number of cooperation and teamwork. It represents the ability to work together harmoniously toward a common goal. When you use the Number 6 in your personal numerology, it can help you achieve victory in team situations and make progress toward your goals together.

Numerology Number 7

Number 7 is the number of balance and equilibrium. The number 7 numerology holds a special place in the study of numerology. It is said to be a spiritual number and is associated with wisdom and intuition. The number 7 is associated with the concept of completeness and perfection. It is thought to be a symbol of completion and fulfillment. It is also associated with inner wisdom and spiritual growth.

Numerology Number 8

8 is a number that represents both intellectual and physical energy. It governs the lungs and the heart and is associated with creativity, originality, and spontaneity. People with the number 8 as their birth number are often good at thinking on their feet and are quick to take action. They are also good at problem-solving and are often successful in business. Because 8 is the number of transformations, these people often experience a lot of change in their lives.

Numerology Number 9

Number 9 is often associated with the number of changes and transformations. This is because 9 is the number that represents both the spiritual and physical world. So if you're looking for a numerology reading that will help you understand your own personal growth and transformation, number 9 is a great choice. During your reading, my numerologist will use the number 9 to assess your current situation and future prospects. She'll also use it to identify any areas of your life that need attention. For example, if you're currently struggling with self-esteem issues, your numerologist may be able to identify the number 9 as a sign that you need to take action. And if you're looking to make a significant change in your life, number 9 may be a sign that it's time to take action.

So whether you're looking for guidance on a current situation or guidance on a future goal, number 9 can be a powerful tool. So don't hesitate to book a reading with my numerologist - she'll be able to help you reach your goals in style!

Numerology Number 3 Characteristics and General Qualities

Let’s discuss the traits of Number 3

Numerology Number 3 is rightly considered one of the VIP numbers because of the qualities it gives. Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month are outgoing with a creative bend of mind and a socialite type. You’re likely a charming individual who looks confident and thrives on being with others. Also, you’re imaginative, expressive, charismatic, friendly, and funny.

Numerology Number 3 Jupiter is ruled by Jupiter, the biggest planet in the solar system. Also, it is called the planet of joy, affluence, wisdom, and everything that comes with wisdom like success and good fortune. And the positive traits liked by Jupiter include optimism, luck, adventure, ambitions, passion, knowledgeable, cleverness, and worldly. Like others, you also have some negative traits like procrastinating assignments, difficulty dealing with challenges, and not learning from your mistakes.

Facts About Numerology Number 3

  1. Numerology Number 3 is masculine and hence shows all traits of masculinity like strength, courage, and leadership.


  1. A result of the combination of two numbers 1 and 2, the Numerology Number 3 is a symbol of a spiritual being. These people speak about the lessons to learn to keep moving.


3. As an offspring of numbers 1 and 2, Numerology Number 3 people often experience very intense emotions.


Numerology Number 3 Personality Traits

  1. Creative


You have a creative bend of mind and it is reflected in everything you do. Just like nature, you also keep thinking about doing things in a new and different way. You get thoughts and you look for ways to express your thoughts artistically. It is for this reason that Numerology Number 3 people are always content with life and they never complain about anything. Your creativity allows you to see situations from a different perspective so you enjoy every moment of life. This creative bend of mind can help make a great career in media.


  1. Positivity


You always have a positive outlook on life and this is your biggest strength. You never feel let down because your mind is always brimming with positivity. You can take things in your stride instead of being responsible for those things. The positivity comes from creativity. Since Numerology Number 3 can see things in a different light, you can remain positive about them. Also, it is your positive attitude that wins hearts. You can easily make friends and maintain friendly relations for a long time. Since you are friendly, you are reliable. Your family members, friends, and associates will rely on you for help and advice.


  1. Social


You possess excellent social skills because you always keep a positive attitude in life. Also, your creativity allows you to express your thoughts and feelings interestingly. Your communication skills are simply above normal. You have a magnetic personality that attracts people. Also, you are always surrounded by friends. With excellent social skills, you always remain in the good book of family, friends, and everyone in your contact. Your friends share their life experiences with you. They even confide their secrets to you. And it is due to these traits that Numerology Number 3 Jupiter people are called problem solvers.


  1. Spiritual


Numerology Number 3 people have a strong inner voice and you listen to that voice. It is your spirituality and it guides you always through the thick and thin of life. Also, it is your inner voice that helps you make an opinion on a given situation and advice your friends. You inspire everyone in your contact with spiritual insights that you hear from your inner voice. You are like a lighthouse for your friends. You are the only person who can bring a tense situation under control. You can speak the comforting words that distressed people want to hear.


Things They Should Improve On

  1. Procrastination


Numerology Number 3 people are wise, knowledgeable, and always remain positive about life. But all these qualities lose their strength when you procrastinate. You need to discipline yourself so you complete the given tasks on time. You will be able to use your knowledge only when you work in a time-bound manner. Simply sitting over assignments and thinking about the future will only waste your time and make you ineligible for more assignments. Whether in your job or personal life, your behavior of delaying things will make you unpopular and unreliable.


  1. Avoiding Challenges


Challenges do come in everyone’s life and Numerology Number 3 people are no exception to this rule but they aren’t good at dealing with challenges. Or it will be better to say that they don’t utilize their positive energy to deal with challenges. It isn’t that they are afraid of challenges. But they need someone to encourage them to go ahead and accept the challenges. Here it can be said that you lose your focus quickly. You need to be more focused on your work, especially challenges. If you can develop focus, you will be better prepared to face challenges.


  1. Irresponsible


The childish behavior of Numerology Number 3 people make them irresponsible. You take everything lightly because of your funny nature. And sometimes these things become too irritating to bear. Your number puts pleasure before growth. For example, if you don’t find a thing entertaining, you won’t participate in it. Sometimes fun part of your life starts controlling the serious part. You need to control your childish behavior so you look serious. While it is good to be funny but excess of everything is bad. When you allow your emotions to rule your behavior, you forget about serious matters.


  1. Not Learning From Mistakes


Numerology Number 3 people can learn many things from their mistakes and grow in every sphere of life. But they never try to learn from their mistakes. For them, mistakes are bad things that they often make fun of. Instead of taking mistakes lightly, you should learn from them. It is necessary to prevent the repletion of mistakes that could pose serious challenges before you. Whenever you make a mistake, you should note down the lesson learned from that act. In this way, you can prevent repeating those mistakes.

Physical Features And Health

Numerology Number 3 Jupiter people are physically strong and they remain in good health throughout their life. Since the number is ruled by the planet Jupiter, they inherit good immunity by birth. But when Jupiter becomes weak, they also start facing health problems, especially problems related to digestion. The digestion is adversely affected leading to complications. Also, they are more prone to developing diabetes.


Numerology Number 3 people like rich food such as fatty and oil food items. Also, they like hard liquors and they love to party hard. Eating oily and fatty food makes them obese. Also, they tend to put on weight due to their poor food habits. They are foodies but they often go on overeating. They have a strong need to put check on their food habits.


You should keep a check on your weight and cholesterol level. Also, you should avoid liquor and smoking as they are inimical to Jupiter. Hard liquor is Saturn and smoking is Rahu and both are strong enemies of Jupiter. Numerology Number 3 people are also prone to allergies and asthma if Jupiter is afflicted.


The most important thing to remember about Jupiter is it is a planet of expansion. When severely afflicted, it could create critical illnesses like tumors and cancer. For health, Numerology Number 3 people need to take care of their food habits. Avoid taking rich food, hard liquor, and smoking.

Career Options For Numerology Number 3

Numerology Number 3 Jupiter people are generally prominent figures in their respective fields like law and media. You can excel in law, finance, administration, politics, sports, and teaching. Ruled by Jupiter, you can become a good teacher. Also, it is in your nature to advise others. You know and you like sharing your knowledge with your family and friends.


Choosing a career option isn’t a challenge for Numerology Number 3 people as they have created with which they can easily find the right career. Also, you can excel in your career, if you can keep a tab on your negative traits. When you are assigned a job, you must complete it on time without any delay. If you continue to use delaying tactics with your work or profession, you will lose opportunities. You should recognize your strength and use all your creative thinking and positivity in making a career.

Numerology Number 3 Love Life

It is a blessing for anyone to have a partner with Numerology Number 3. They like to lead a luxurious life without being fussy about trivial issues like restricting the movements of their family members, especially spouses. They never discourage their partners and allow them to be creative with the house. Numerology number 3 marriage compatibility is higher with numbers 5, 6, and 9. Marrying number 6 will bring stability to your life and number 9 will encourage your creativity.


numerology by Sweta Sureka

Do you also wonder what Numerology is? The most straightforward explanation would be the study of numbers and their energetic impact on life, known as numerology.

Each number is associated with an energy vibration that has an overall cosmic impact on humanity. With numerology, you can find purpose and direction in your life.

Numerologists are specialized people who can help you find the powerful number associated with you, embrace it in your life to accelerate growth, and overcome external obstacles.

The nine single-digit numbers serve as the foundation for the study of numerology. In numerology, these numbers stand for a particular set of personality traits, symbolism (whether spiritual or not), and significance.

You can find your lucky number here. ( we can link it to some calculator or blog)

What is The Purpose of Numerology?

The study of Numbers serves us to answer the fundamental question of every conscious human, what are we, and why are we here? Numerology is the science that helps to understand the mystical relationship between numbers and our existence.

By calculating your life path number, heart's desire number, and expression number, among many others, through numerology:

How Do I Know My Numerology Number?

Finding your Life Path number can help you get a feel of your priorities for this lifetime and is among the first ways you can use numerology.

Let's assume that you were born on July 23, 1996. We have to reduce the number of this date to a single digit for calculating your Life Path Number:

The month, 7, is still represented by the digit 7.

The date is 23. We will add both the digits— 2+3 to reduce it to one digit to get 5.

1996 is converted into 1 + 9 + 9 + 6, giving us 25. 25 is a two-digit number, so we have to reduce it more.

Hence, 25 becomes 2 + 5 = 7.

The result is 19 after adding the decreased values for the month, date, and year (7 + 5 + 7). We will keep reducing until we get a single digit. By adding 1+9 = 10 and 1+0=1.

Therefore, the life path number for 23/07/1996 is 1.

Do not reduce your final number if you achieved 11 or 22.

The Significance Of Indian Whole Numbers (1-9)

Numbers are like a sacred language. Nine numbers make up all the numbers in the universe. Each number is associated with a certain energy that sheds light on life's overarching goal. Each one defines heavenly logic in an understandable form and functions as a magical, mystical building piece.

The numerological number represents an aspect of our world, such as our life path, soul purpose, love life, and soul mate, while their relationships together represent our cumulative universe.

The following places can reveal single-digit Numerology numbers:

Let's unlock the magic behind every single divine number.

The Number 1 in Numerology- Ruled By Sun

A lot of drive and momentum surrounds this one-digit number. This first digit has the dynamic force and is a true leader. People associated with number 1, are natural explorers, avid to start new undertakings and clear the way for others to follow. 

The number 1 stands for innovation, action, and prospects. In spiritual symbolism, it represents the divine beginning of the universe and the origin and birth of all things.

It stands for confidence, strength, and movement. It forces us to reflect on our existing situations and acknowledge that we can change them in whatever we like. Even when we are apprehensive, the number one motivates us to take charge of the future and welcome fresh starts.

Strength of  Number 1 

Regarding the strengths of number 1, they are the most self-sufficient and independent people who are exceptional at developing and achieving goals because of their upbeat approach and unwavering self-determination.

Weakness of Number 1

Like everyone, number 1 also has some weaknesses, such as

Number 1 may appear ambitious, but it also runs the risk of becoming careless or controlling as it progresses. It is more physical than spiritual, self-sufficient, and too preoccupied with its own goals even to be aware of when it has offended someone. 

The number 1 would want to think of itself as brave, yet it is too easy to get into danger that could have been avoided due to a lack of foresight. The number 1 is so concentrated on the path in front of it due to tunnel vision and a strong sense of invincibility that it may not see danger signs in its peripheral vision.

Self-doubt is this number's Achilles heel because of their intense drive to achieve success. The number 1 strongly dreads making mistakes or falling short of its aim, even though it won't admit it to others. Although it takes even slight criticism to heart, it ultimately uses it as inspiration to get better.

The Number 2 in Numerology- Ruled by Moon

Numerologists recognize the number 2 as a profoundly feminine force that embodies both grace and power. It is cooperative and constantly seeks to restore harmony and equilibrium to a connection or circumstance. 

Strength of Number 2

Number 2 people have the strongest intuition of all numbers and are extremely sensitive. 

They have the innate ability to detect emotional currents and use these cues to empathise with others.

People with the number 2 as a guiding force have tremendous control over any circumstance. Still, their diplomacy and subtlety avoid imposing power and authority in favor of cooperation and partnership. 

It serves as a mediator, objectively perceiving both sides of an issue and directing people toward a middle ground.

Weakness of Number 2

This peaceful number also has some weaknesses, such as

The number 2 struggles to recognize prejudices since it strives to always be in the middle, making big and minor decisions challenging. This number remains inactive when they can not determine a preference in either direction.

Even the smallest irk or insult may knock the number 2 off the edge and send them into a world of hurt since their desire to promote peace within themselves and others is so great. These energies are exceedingly delicate.

To maintain stability, number 2 will set its demands aside. It may linger in a bad situation for too long, quietly trying to improve on its own rather than being more direct and effective in its efforts because it is more passive than assertive.

The Number 3 in Numerology- Ruled by Planet Jupiter(Guru)

The number 3 tends to flourish in an optimistic and exciting environment. It has a vibrant, cheerful vibe that is youthful and sprightly. It moves ecstatically from one pleasurable occurrence to the next, keen to chat with others. Number 3 cherishes communication as a worthwhile quality, and it uses this ability to cultivate an extensive and exciting network of friends, lovers, and like-minded individuals.

Strength of Number 3

Number 3 is creative and appreciates original views and artistic expression. This number's clever, curious attitude lets it be in touch with abstract concepts and reveal answers that others might overlook. 

The number 3 is young in spirit and never skips an opportunity to have fun, interact with others, and share all the happiness and love it has.

Number 3 has a charismatic personality, making it simple to draw others to it. It has a natural charisma that captures and maintains the attention of others thanks to its humorous disposition and effective communication skills.

Weakness of Number 3

Despite being full of life and having fantastic communication skills, there are a few things that number 3 lacks, such as

The number 3 is a young, naïve number that is quite unaware of the realities of the outside world. It is prone to making poor decisions, getting itself into sticky circumstances, and getting burnt by others because it lacks the experience necessary to achieve this mature knowledge.

This figure exhibits shiny-object syndrome. It is fascinated by everything it sees, so it will only stay focused in one place for a short time before moving on. Its enthusiasm is so contagious that all it wants to do is live, love, laugh, and create, putting real-life progress and ambitions on hold.

The numerology number three wants to stay on the surface of relationships and life. Going further would require exposing itself to potential negative and relating to emotions and circumstances from which it isn't familiar. This number prioritises enjoyment before growth; if something isn't entertaining, number 3 would prefer not to engage.

The Number 4 in Numerology- Ruled By Planet Uranus(Rahu)

When power and effectiveness are required, number 4 comes to the rescue. 

The 4 is a number in numerology that approaches life and work with a focused mindset. 

Number 4 It is reliable and gives a person or situation excellent stability, which lets them create long-lasting relationships with the people around them. 

Strength of Number 4

The number 4 is committed to progress, albeit in a more traditional manner than a progressive one. Instead of pursuing novel techniques, it sticks with what is proven and trustworthy. 

The energy of numerology number four is logical and wise, and it can give us a sense of stability and consistency. It tends to perceive things as either black or white with no grey in between and has a clear concept of right and wrong, which helps them make rational decisions and solid plans. 

The number 4 people build a life of service and contentment by using their mental fortitude to lead with the brain, not with the heart. They are hardworking and know how to invest their time to get the best results.

Weakness of Number 4

Number 4 is practical but still has some shortcomings, such as

The number 4 has a very conservative mentality and is exceptionally steadfast in its convictions. It has no qualms about promoting its beliefs to others once it has made up its mind and views them as truths. Unfortunately, this concrete mode of thinking doesn't allow for the entry of alternative viewpoints.

The number four, when it comes to choosing between work and leisure, always sticks with work. It may be straight-laced, uninterested in attempting new things or quickly becoming enthusiastic. It doesn't mind living this way; it's just that other people don't find it particularly intriguing.

Because it is so rigid, the number 4 finds it difficult to work well with others. It never lets others persuade it and is overly confident, constantly believing what it is doing to be correct. This confidence is understandable in some circumstances, but number 4 still has much to learn about collaboration, giving, and receiving.

The Number 5 in Numerology-Ruled by Mercury

The qualities of the number 5 include curiosity and the desire for various exhilarating experiences. People with this number are not afraid to let the wind carry them in any direction because it longs for freedom and discovery. 

Strength of Number 5

For Number 5, living entails experiencing new things rather than setting plans and objectives. Anything that arouses the senses piques Number 5's interest, and they are eager to participate in the unique experiences.

People with number 5 are happiest when circumstances seem novel, vibrant, and full of opportunity. When life becomes monotonous or repetitive, the number 5 tends to move on to something more stimulating. This number's sole real attachment is to be free of all ties.

Weakness of Number 5

Number 5 is pretty exciting but has some weaknesses, such as

The number 5 is non-committal due to an uncontrolled craving for freedom and ongoing change. Commitment implies boredom and obligation to the 5, which runs against everything it stands for. This number needs more concentration to see things through, making it difficult to establish lasting connections and acquire life skills.

The number 5 needs help focusing long enough to complete tasks and pledges since it is often distracted and perhaps overly interested. Number 5 may appear incompetent and careless due to this inconsistency, which harms all agreements and relationships.

This number is content to follow life's course as it unfolds. However, without a clear plan of action, the 5 wastes a lot of time on pointless activities and passes up chances that may have increased its chances of success. Number 5 could recognize in retrospect that it ought to have given its planning more time.

The Number 6 in Numerology-Ruled by Planet Venus

The number six represents the heart. It symbolizes unwavering affection and the capability to help, nurture, and heal. It is a potent force of compassion and empathy and a glimmer of hope thanks to its reassuring brightness. Serving others with all of its heart and soul is what it does.

Strength of Number 6

Numerology's number six is good in all kinds of partnerships, especially emotional ones.

Because of its empathy, people feel at ease lowering their defenses and being open and transparent about their emotions. This enables it to comprehend the situation and offer the necessary assistance. 

People with Number 6 are the most romantic people who try to keep their loved ones happy. They are quite expressive about their feelings. 

Number 6 is very supportive. Whenever someone needs to count on, the number 6 will always be the first to show up, armed with a warm, gentle presence and heartfelt guidance. 

Weakness of Number 6

This loving and compassionate nature of the number 6 can also sometimes become a liability for them.

The number 6 may frequently allow themselves to be taken advantage of out of a desire to satisfy others and maintain harmony. Number 6, who would prefer to go along with an unfavorable alternative rather than speak up and cause a stir, can be readily overcome by more powerful, controlling forces.

Even though compassion is a virtue, it is so eager to give up oneself for the sake of others and peace that it neglects its own needs and well-being.

Number 6 believes the world would be perfect if everyone treated others like it did. But since that's not how things are, this number may experience tremendous upset and unbalance when it finds its ideals unachievable.

The Number 7 in Numerology-Ruled by planet Neptune

The number seven is profound and intelligent. Simple explanations and surface-level knowledge are insufficient for it. It will keep digging since it believes that the actual gold is hidden deeper and won't stop until it does.

In its quest for consciousness, the number 7 uses a variety of particular abilities, including questioning, investigating, listening, and perceiving.

Strength of Number 7

Though number 7 specializes in spirituality, it adopts a more cerebral rather than an emotional outlook on life. 

It is an analytical number that enjoys compiling and sorting information to discover solutions.

Moreover, number 7 minds can reach out to the hidden truths by illuminating the deepest realms with a combination of subconscious and conscious thought. 

Weakness of Number 7

Number 7 is intellectuals. Still, they possess some weaknesses, such as 

Number 7 doesn't give much weight to life's fun aspects and spends most of its time in profound thought and research. Number 7 gradually becomes more isolated due to its lack of social interaction, which restricts its life experiences and prevents it from forming new friendships and love relationships.

This number prefers to play it safe and silently. There is no attempt to hide damaging secrets by the 7, but it does not feel it is necessary to share everything with everyone. If you never let others see the real you, it's impossible to connect with them authentically.

The number 7 can disturb a good thing by generating assumptions and allegations or looking for explanations when there aren't any because of its obsessive desire to explore under the surface. Even when there isn't, it consistently assumes that the story has more to it.

The Number 8 in Numerology-Ruled by Planet Saturn

The number 8 is the most successful of all the numbers in numerology, and it measures life by the accomplishments it makes. It possesses sound commercial judgment, a commanding personality, and a strong desire to succeed. Due to its symmetrical design, the number 8 is also a symbol of balance.

It returns one blessing to the universe for every single one it receives. Number 8 works best in a balanced atmosphere because it makes them feel secure, in power, and supported.

Strengths of Number 8

The number 8 stands for the pinnacle of success, which many strive for throughout their lives. Number 8 holders try to accomplish maximum objectives and enjoyment, are methodologically strategic, and are strongly committed to their goals.

Moreover, positive attitudes and emotions help them with continual achievements. 

Numerologically speaking, the 8 has a strong feeling of fortitude even under dire circumstances. They are aware of their abilities but often need to enrich their qualities. Instead, number 8 is convinced that things will turn in their favor with time and perseverance.  

Weakness of Number 8

Number 8 is immediately affected by all this success. They develop a sense of personal authority and start serving as leaders. In their view, number 8 is always correct, and they may dismiss others' opinions and ignore their efforts, which might lose their support even faster than they gained it.

The numerological number eight isn't about asking for permission or pardon. Due to its zeal to succeed, it may ignore the rules and processes, but neglecting these limits and doing things according to them could create difficulties in teamwork and drives partnerships apart.

Number 9 in Numerology- Ruled by Planet Mars

There is a sense of completion, but not a sense of finality, associated with the number 9. Rather than thinking of it as a singular event, think of it as the end of one cycle that creates the possibility of a new one.

With its guidance and strength, the numerological number 9 ushers in this process of change or transformation. It takes the solutions from a spiritual source and then communicates them to us in the physical world.

Strength of Number 9

This number is a humanitarian. It is considerate, sensitive, and determined to direct its efforts toward achieving the greatest good. Number 9 has experienced its fair share of adversity, and as a result, it is prudent, stronger, and more attentive. 

The number 9 observes the countless shades of grey between, whereas some other numbers are only interested in the extremes of black and white. It accords space and respect to everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or lifestyle.

Many souls seeking help are drawn to the number 9 because of its tender heart. It is an excellent source of guidance, solace, and therapy for others because it understands how the world functions and what it requires to get through trying circumstances.

Weakness of Number 9

The experiences that the number 9 has gone through have left a deep impression on its heart. Number 9 needs some time to heal from this wound, but if it doesn't get that time, it creates a shade on the 9's spirit and badly affects its present-day connections.

Number 9 believes that it is on this planet to help others. It is so preoccupied with taking care of others that it disregards taking care of itself, setting the stage for an unbalanced and scattered life.

The number 9 can believe that life is miserable because of its difficulties. It might place greater value on difficult times than easy ones or turbulent relationships than healthy ones. The more misery that Nine accepts, the more routine it could become.

Which Is The Angel Number?

Angel numbers in numerology are repeating sequences of three or four numbers (like 1111 or 444), and they can also be patterns (123, 8989). Even if they are in a commonplace context, the numbers catch our attention for a brief moment and can arouse curiosity and astonishment.

They are believed to be spiritual messages from the universe that can provide insight and guidance. They can also shed light on themes you may be going through in your life right now.


Numbers in our life hold much greater meaning than it seems. A numerologist can help you discover more about yourself and your future using all the numbers associated with you. Numerology is an occult science that can help you identify your characteristics and guide you in making the best choices for your health, relationships, education, love, marriage, finances, and other areas.

Identify and maximize your potential with our accurate and insightful numerology

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